Roof Ventilation Questions Austin, TX


Roof Ventilation Questions Austin, TX, roofing in Austin, Tx

Adequate ventilation is an important part of keeping your home’s interior comfortable and safe. In the summer, attic temperatures can reach 150 degrees or more, and all of the hot air sitting above your home can make your living spaces less comfortable or increase your energy bills. In the winter, the hot air may condense and allow mold to form; the mold can spread to the rest of your home and endanger your health. Furthermore, many manufacturers of asphalt shingles will void your warranty if the shingles are installed without adequate ventilation.

Determining The Amount

Your roofing contractor can provide you with a precise number, but you can calculate a quick estimate if you like. Measure the width and length of your attic floor, and then multiply these measurements to find the total square feet. Next, estimate or measure the size of existing vents. Typically, the minimum recommended ventilation is 2 square feet of vented opening per 600 square feet of floor space.

Types of Vents

Roof vents are available in a variety of types and configurations. You may need to have a combination of types installed to achieve adequate ventilation.

• Gable vents are the louvered openings that are found on your home’s gables. Most experts recommend having two gable vents aligned to maximize the flow of air.
• Ridge vents are installed on the roof’s peak. They have an external baffle to enhance the movement of air.
• Turbines are the vents that resemble mushrooms. They are powered by the wind, so they tend to work well in most parts of Texas. The wind rotates a fan inside the turbine to remove hot air from your attic.
• Static vents are those without moving parts that are placed in areas other than the gables or ridge. Dormer vents, roof louvers and eyebrow vents are examples.
• Soffit vents are the intake vents that keep the air in your attic in circulation. They are usually located under the eaves and can be identified by the tiny slits or holes that perforate their surface.

Contact Alpha Roofing for Help with Your Ventilation Concerns

Alpha Roofing has more than three decades of industry experience. We specialize in commercial and residential roofing.  We can help you determine the best way to ensure that you have the ventilation needed to maximize your home’s comfort. We offer our services to customers throughout Central Texas, including the Austin metropolitan area. We install asphalt shingles, metal roofing systems, skylights,siding, and we also offer roof and chimney repairs. We offer quality work at competitive rates, and we are committed to exceptional customer service. Call (512) 777-1086 to request a free quote or send us the details by submitting our online form.