Out of Town Contractors

fly_by_night_roofersIt is no secret that Central Texas receives its share of roof-wrecking weather. Hail, high winds and an occasional tornado can strike, often damaging hundreds of roofs in just a few short minutes. Although roof damage can occur during any season, spring is an especially hazardous time for your roof. This is why each spring, we see a dramatic increase in the number of out-of-town and out-of-state roofing contractors who flock to the Austin area.

Many of these out-of-area roofers are fly-by-night companies. They have no permanent office; they move from state to state, pursuing a “quick buck” from homeowners who have had their roofs damaged by storms. If there are a number of roofs damaged by hail, tornados, winds or hurricanes, you can expect an influx of vagabond roofers. These “storm chasers” might spend April in Oklahoma, May and June in Texas, July in Kansas and August in Florida. Therefore, if you hire one of these companies and your roof begins to leak or your shingles blow off next month, your chances of getting the original roofing company to make good on their work are pretty small. In fact, you might not be able to even find the roofer; many of these companies purchase inexpensive prepaid cell phones (often in an effort to be perceived as a local company) that they simply discard when they move to the next area.

This is not to say that there are not legitimate companies who send crews to help out in a town that has suffered major roof damage over a very wide area. There are. However, most established roofing contractors have more than enough business to keep their crews busy. They have the experience to know how to plan ahead for slow seasons as well as peak times. Therefore, you will rarely find a reputable, established roofer who travels far from his normal service area.

Storm chasers will often try to pressure you into signing a contract with numerous blank spaces or paying them in advance out of your own pocket. Do not let them talk you into doing either of these things. A local, legitimate roofer will almost never ask for a penny up front, and they understand that you need to request more than one quote, check their references and weigh your options.

Alpha Roofing Industries has been providing quality roofing services throughout Central Texas for more than 30 years. During that time, we have had many customers relate their experiences with storm chasers who preyed upon them. We urge all property owners to exercise caution when choosing a roofing contractor, especially if your roof has suffered storm damage. If you would like to receive a free, no-obligation quote from Alpha Roofing, you can submit our online form or call (512) 777-1086. Our crews are highly trained, experienced and work only for us — and we are here to stay.