Hardie Siding Advantages Austin, Tx

Hardie Siding Advantages Austin, Tx, wood siding type, roofing servicesJames Hardie siding, is a wood siding type that is sometimes called cement board siding and has been available for decades. It currently is enjoying a new surge in popularity. Unlike some building materials that rely on a single benefit for their popularity. Hardie siding advantages Austin, Tx offers numerous benefits, and it is this combination of qualities that make it an ideal choice for both new construction and renovation projects.

1. James Hardie siding offers the look of exterior wood siding, including styles that mimic wood shakes, lap siding or shingles. Like wood siding, homeowners can mix and match styles to create a truly unique exterior.
2. James Hardie siding offers superior resistance to fire. Vinyl siding actually makes fires burn hotter, and it also produces toxic fumes that endanger occupants as well as emergency personnel responding to the blaze.
3. Homeowners who choose James Hardie siding average homeowner’s insurance premiums that are 14 percent less than they would pay if they installed vinyl siding.
4. James Hardie siding resists shrinking and warping. The climate in Central Texas can be rough on other siding materials. Vinyl siding can warp in the summer heat, wood siding can warp due to moisture buildup and both types can shrink and expand with the freeze/thaw cycle.
5. James Hardie offers one of the best warranties available for siding. The 30-year product warranty is transferable and coverage is not prorated. The finish warranty, which is in addition to the product warranty, covers both paint and labor for 15 years.
6. James Hardie siding provides superior resistance to impact damage. Windblown debris and hail can destroy vinyl siding and damage wood siding. James Hardie siding can shrug off impacts that could cause extensive damage to other types of siding.
7. Unlike wood siding, James Hardie siding will not rot. It also offers superior resistance to termites, carpenter ants and other insects that can attack wood.

If you need roofing services in Austin, call at Alpha Roofing Industries. We have been installing siding, and asphalt shingles for more than 30 years throughout Central Texas. We also install metal roofing systems, offer roof repairs, install skylights and repair chimneys. Our highly experienced crews work only for us, and they are committed to providing quality work and superior customer service. For a free quote, call (512) 777-1086 or complete our online form.

Alpha Roofing Industries wants you to consider the Hardie Siding Advantages Austin, Tx!