Residential Roofing vs. Commercial Roofing | What Are The Differences?

austin residential roofing vs commercial roofing: what are the difference?The roof covering your home shares many things with the roof covering your commercial building. Both types of roofs protect people and things from heat, rain, ultraviolet radiation, wind, cold, hail, and other natural forces. Both roofs are vital to other components’ integrity, including interior and exterior walls, floors, and ceilings. Both residential and commercial roofs need proper installation, timely repairs, and a bit of preventive maintenance. However, there are enough differences between commercial and residential roofs to make it unwise to assume that the roof contractor Austin homeowners are raving about is the best candidate to perform work on your commercial roof or that a great commercial roofer will be an ideal residential roofer. Some important differences include the roof’s size and slope, the materials used, the roof’s intended use, the costs, and the maintenance requirements.

Residential Roofing vs. Commercial Roofing | What Are The Differences?

How Does a Commercial Roof Differ in Size and Slope?

A commercial roof typically covers a much larger area than a residential roof. It is not uncommon for a commercial roof to cover more than 20,000 square feet, while a two-story home with 2,300 square feet of living space will typically have a roof that covers only 1,500 square feet. The difference in slope is usually even more dramatic. Most commercial buildings have roofs with so little slope that they appear flat, but they are technically low-slope roofs. On the other hand, roofing companies Austin homeowners call for a residential roof replacement are accustomed to seeing homes with at least one roofing plane with a steep slope.

What Are the Different Materials Used for Residential and Commercial Roofs?

Homeowners have many choices when selecting materials, but asphalt shingles remain extremely popular for residential roofs. However, asphalt shingles are unsuitable for low-slope roofs, including commercial roofs. Typically, a commercial roofing company installs a single-ply membrane or a built-up roofing system. There can also be significant differences in the materials used beneath the roof covering.

Why Does a Roof’s Intended Use Matter?

Very few residential roofs are used for any purpose besides keeping out the elements in an aesthetically pleasing manner. However, a commercial roof may double as a recreational space, provide a place to install HVAC equipment, or even house a restaurant. Therefore, a commercial roofing company must design a roof that will support the weight of additional features and increased foot traffic.

How Do the Costs of a Commercial Roof Compare to the Costs of a Residential Roof?

It is impossible to provide a meaningful estimate of the difference in costs between the materials used for a residential roof and the commercial roof materials. There are simply too many options. For example, asphalt shingles are available in various styles with different prices, and the same is true for single-ply membranes. However, due to the differences in the work scope, a commercial roof is virtually always much more costly than a residential roof.

Does a Commercial Roof Need More Maintenance Than a Residential Roof?

No matter what type of building lies beneath, a roof will last longer and have fewer problems if it is inspected regularly and professionally maintained. However, given the expense of a commercial roof replacement, it is wise to give it a bit more attention than most homeowners offer their residential roofs. This is especially true if the commercial roof houses equipment that must be serviced regularly or features a rooftop bar or restaurant. Ask your contractor to recommend a maintenance schedule for your specific roof.

When Only the Best Will Do, Contact Alpha Roofing

Alpha Roofing is a highly esteemed roofing company with an exemplary reputation for the quality of our work, our customer service, and our integrity. We employ experienced, well-trained crews that specialize in commercial roofing installations, repairs, and maintenance. Our residential roofing services include installing asphalt shingles, metal roofs, skylights, and flashing, and we also offer metal fabrication, emergency repairs, and chimney repairs. If you would like a free job quote, you can either fill out the online form or call 512-777-1086 to reach our office in Round Rock.